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Augmented Creatures (Originally named Paragons) may casually spawn in the world. They are enhanced creatures with special abilities and different loot. The loot will depend on the type of creature you will encounter (IE a clever ettin may drop reagents or a wand while a stone skin dragon may drop iron ingots or more gems). Augmented creatures will also have a chance of dropping paragons chests that come in 3 kinds (Lesser, Normal & Greater). There are 19 types of augmented creatures.

There are also 3 kinds of challenging monstrosities : Dungeon bosses, Shrine bosses and Rift bosses.

Dungeon Bosses will spawn if either
> The cooldown time has been elapsed (16 to 32 hours).

> Enough creatures have been slain in the dungeon.  


Rift Bosses will spawn as a group of players enters a rift portal and will only last 30 minutes (The time of a rift expedition). The amount of hit points and quality of loot will depend on the difficulty of the rift expedition.


Shrine Bosses will randomly spawn. Online players will be alerted whenever a Shrine is corrupted.

Mini Bosses will randomly spawn when enough monsters have been slain in a dungeon. They can also be spawned in certain selected areas as mini-champion spawn.

Champion Spawns Champion spawns can be found in Destard, Deceit, Sandstorm & Glacia. You will be required to target the Idol of champion with 25 redemption crystal in order to start a champion spawn.

Level 6 Treasure Map Bosses Level 6 treasure maps will have a chance of spawning a mini boss which may yield very rare hued cloth.


Destard > At the entrance of Destard, you may find a board that will show you how many creatures have to be slain in order to anger the Queen.

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