You are rare collector going after exclusive items, building a museum or simply decorating your house with the most random items unimaginable ? Our treasure hunting system will fit you perfectly!
The classic treasure maps are still available! However, the chest location will never be the same.
Upon completing treasure maps (and destroying your chest, of course!), you will be rewarded with achievement points, guild prestige points & world knowledge!
World knowledge "points" can be spent by visiting CARLOS at Britain & Luna bank. Those points can be spent by claiming decorative items, hued items such as a hair dye or obtaining a level 6 treasure map which is much more challenging as it will spawn a mini boss!
While venturing in the dark dungeons of Unchained, you may stumble on "flashy sparkles". Those sparkles are not the fruit of your imagination! It is part of our dungeon chests system. Unlike on most other servers, our dungeon chests are not static, they are constantly moving within dungeons. Sparkles simply mean that a dungeon chest is within the area. Using detecting hidden / reveal by the sparkles will reveal the chest and its guardians.
Dungeon maps will allow you to casually farm within dungeons and reveal treasure chests and guardians!
Maps have a limited amount of charges.
You must be slaying creatures in order to reveal a chest.
You need lockpicking and cartography in order to reveal chests.
Revealed chests will disappear after a certain time.
Water stained maps will reveal the location of chests that can only be retrieved with a ship!
Exclusive items can be found within water stained chests.
You still need lockpicking to unlock the water stained chest.
Revealed chests will disappear after a certain time.