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March Patch Notes


- Added a mini champion in Shame (Odor)

- Added a mini champion in Deceit (Mindflayer)

- You may now know your statistics/armament durability by clicking on yourself once and using the statistics option.

- Overhead message for calmed creatures for more distinction.

- Humans NPCs will now show the spells they are casting. (Words of power)

- Fixed some "stuck option" locations.

- Belial (Deceit Boss) now has an overhead message so people can know when he will become vulnerable.

- Added a magic explosive pouch that will magically recharge itself with a timer (Will be  in the reward shop soon).

- Some balancing was done to Summons as they were heavily overpowered.
- Fixed some issues with summon timers.

- Corpse decay timer increased to 30 minutes instead of 14.

- Pets will always be wonderfully happy as long as you command them.
- Increased the Harvesting range by 1.

- Lowered the amount of harvested resources in TOWNS by 50%.

- Base bandage timer was reduced by 1.4 Seconds.

- You will now instantly log out in cities as long as you are not criminal or engaged in PVP (Will review if needed).

- Added a lot of death portals in dungeons which can only be seen if youre dead.

- Fixed SOS.

- Added 10 new levelable tamables (100+) Ant Lion, Elder Scorpion, Feufollet, Opal Drake, Sabertooth, Skeletal Ram, Smoke Wyrm and Triton

- Dungeon Chests were revamped, starting tomorrow, hidden chests will randomly spawn in dungeons, anyone can detect them but people with detecting hidden
will receive a system message telling them they are close. Chests will do a magical effect every 5 minutes to give people some sort of clue of their location.
Dungeons chests may yield Resource maps and Greed hued items

- Removed Tailoring runic tools from the loot table from the time being as they serve no purpose. 


- Nerfed the potency of the healing skill of the Barbarians & Glacia humans NPCs

- Fixed a crash issue with new player bandages

- Resources maps were added to the Bulk Order Deeds rewards

- You may now know the weight capacity of pack animals by clicking on it (Only the master can see it)

- Lowered Control Slot of Summoned fire elemental from 4 to 2. Only the Daemon will require 4.

- Added the Adventurers Quest NPC in Britain.

- Fixed some description issue with Repair Deeds. 

- Dragons and Ancient wyrms will no longer auto-dispel summons.

- Ethereal Oxen & Saberdrake will soon be added to the shops. 


- Increased Taming range and how far you gotta remain to keep taming a creature.

- Monster will now teleport back to their spawn location if they are too far away [35 tiles].

- Special Monsters (Clever, Shelled, Slimy etc..) will now grant Reward Points when killed.

- You may now enter the dungeon on Deadstall Island.

- A Mini-Boss was added to Deadstall Islands Dungeon. 

- Daily Contracts are now available. (New way of obtaining reward points). Say [Quest or more informations

- Ethereal Saberdrake & Oxen were added to the Store (Can be obtained with either Gold or Donation Coins)

- Increased drop of Spell Scrolls on magical creatures.

- Lowered gold obtained from SOS chests. 

- Fixed an issue where weapons & armors wouldnt show as "Unidentified".

- Added ItemID wands to Tinkering & loot table.

- Fixed the Contested Area and added 2 more. (Sandstorm & Glacia may now become contested).

- Increased range to healing with bandage by 1 tile.

- Boat Hold storage increased by 50%


-Increase the chances of taming a creature, if you have enough animal taming skills.


-Added "Legendary" monsters which are slightly harder than Elite monsters (More HP), those monsters will give reward points and a chance of obtaining a special item.

Legendary monsters will have a chance of spawning in dungeons but only one type of legendary monster will spawn at once (IE there cant be 2 Shadow Knights in Covetous)


-Increased the chance of spawning Rift Portals (Dont take them lightly, the boss inside of them are very strong). Town criers will also broadcast if a rift portal has been open.


-Increased damage of newly crafted Repeating Crossbow & Composite Bows.


-Towncriers will now broadcast if there is a Shrine Spawn in progress.


- You may now Item ID a whole container if you have 100.0 Item ID skill.

- You may now activate an overhead message to see if you are hungry (Food helps with your PVM regenerations).

- Added two new levelable pets, the wyvern and the crimson steed.

- Fixed a bug where monsters would occasionally have the wrong loot table (Or no loot).
- Completing BODs will now reward you with Reward Points.

- Low level mage creatures will no longer attempt to poison.

- Removed confusing system message showing TOTAL reward points and not current.

- Progress bar of mini-boss will no longer be visible if its not active.

- Added Stat Cap & Skill Cap to the statistic Gump.

- Moonglow Zoo is now a guarded area.

- Did some world changes to DECEIT, COVETOUS, DESTARD, Dissidia Graveyard & Shame dungeon entrance area.

- Added fruit bowls to the cooking recipes. (+ Stats food)

- Tamer Quest animals will have a bigger variety of locations, will also respawn somewhere else if unfound after 60 minutes.

- Added a new page of Rewards in the Reward points store.

- Fixed Commodity deeds descriptions.

- Tweaked the loot table a bit, theres going to be less magic items on items but potentially more gold.

- Added 3 new Mini-Bosses (Serpentine Dragon, Vladimir and Archimonde)

- You will now longer always be able to use stuck option.

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