Weapon Masteries and Archaic Powers are trainable abilities that are only effective against creatures.
Weapon Masteries (Warrior abilities)
> By selecting the Masteries option in your compendium, you will be able to activate one of the 10 powers (Tera, Fira, Aero, Blood or Doom, Lyrical, Fortune, Poison, Shadow, Holy). Damaging or getting damaged by a creature while wearing a weapon will trigger special abilities depending on your power level.
The trigger rate will depend on your weapons skill, arms lore skill, stamina level, current hit points, & your actual mastery power level. You may only activate one mastery at once and you will be required to have arcane dusts in order to trigger abilities. Arcane dusts can be added to your character from the compendium and the talents menu.
Killing any type of monster will give you XP depending on the monsters difficulty.
Mastery Passives (Warrior abilities)
- FIRA > After 10 hits, you will spawn a firewall under your foe
- EARTH > After 10 hits, you shatter your enemies armor, lowering its defense.
- BLOOD > Every 7 hits, you will leech HP from your foe (Bonus increased by blood points)
- POISON > Every 7 hits, you will automatically poison your weapon (poison depends on your poisoning skill)
- LYRICAL > Every 10 hits, you will peace your opponent for 5 seconds
- DOOM > Every 15 hits, you will do a large amount of damage (Increased by doom points) * BLOOD > Every 7 hits, you will leech HP from your foe (Bonus increased by blood points)
- AERO > Passive weapon speed. (During PVM)
- Holy > Every 10 hits, you will heal/land mana/regen stamina to surrounding friends
- FORTUNE > Every 15 hits, you will benefit from a random buff/regeneration.