Way of the Tamer
Rare tamable creatures have to be brought back to Cigal (Which can be found at Britain Stable). Only one creature will be in the world at once. Once transferred to Cigal, another creature will spawn in the world. Creatures taming requirement will be randomized but will never surpass 100. Players who tamed and returned the 20 types of rare creatures will be very well rewarded and will be able to start the quest over.
The Lost Artifacts
Slain creatures all over the world may drop a lost artifact. There are 20 Artifacts to be found. Artifacts can be added to an Artifact Compendium (Which can be crafted by skilled scribes). Players who found the 20 Lost Artifacts will be very well rewarded and will be able to start the quest over.
Monster Hunter Contracts
Completing a monster contract will reward the hunter with gold, resources, reagents, armaments, special items and sometimes, rare items.
Monster contracts are part of the special items loot table.