Melee Changes
In order to make melee more interesting, we adjusted accuracy depending on missed swing. Every time you will miss a swing, you will gain 10% accuracy on the next swing (During PVM) which means you will rarely miss 3 times in a row.
2 handed parrying is possible if you have the skill. However, you will only parry up to 20% of the suffered damage.
1 Handed ARCHERY
Repeating crossbow are now 1 handed weapons which will allow you to wield a shield with it.
Critical Strikes
Whenever you hit 3 times in a row, your third hit will be a critical strike, dealing more damage.
Classic special abilities
STUN PUNCH> Fist special ability (PVP)
Stuns opponent.
CONCUSSION BLOW> 2-hander (Swordsmanship) special ability (PVM/PVP)
Reduces targets intelligence.
CRUSHING BLOW> 2-hander (Macefighting) special ability (PVM/PVP)
Deals 150% damage.
PARALYZING BLOW> 2-hander special ability (Fencing) (PVM/PVP)
Paralyzes opponent.
VELOCITY SHOT> Archery Ability
Deals more damage depending on the range between you and your opponent.
New special abilities
HAMSTRING > 1-hander special ability (PVP)
Slows your opponent for 2.5 seconds.
DOUBLE STRIKE> 1-hander special ability (PVM)
BLEEDING ATTACK> 1-hander special ability (PVM)
Applies a bleeding effect to your enemy.
WHIRLWIND> 2-hander special ability (PVM) damage surrounding enemies.
SHATTERING BLOW> Staves special ability (PVM) damage and reduces the armor of enemies.